Positive Thinking

  I’ve been keeping a list to track the negative thoughts that enter my mind daily. I was shocked at how often those thoughts came. I started writing and quoting scripture to replace the negativity, the smallest adjustments make a huge difference. It’s easy to get into negative thinking when you are in an environment with people who are only focused on the worst in situations and people. 

It’s important to guard your mind and your heart at all times. For the past year I have begun examining various television shows that I have watched religiously in the past. I found that only a few of the shows were wholesome entertainment. Others fell into the category of educational, but the bulk of them to my surprise was mindless television. 

I had to in my opinion at the time, give up some pretty good shows. Was it was hard? Yes, but it wasn’t worth my peace of mind. I didn’t want those seeds to be planted and to take root. It’s hard to take a lot of garbage in and not have it somehow manifest in your everyday life. You become desensitized and you may be prone to gossip. In some cases you probably won’t feel bad about cursing, stepping out on your mate, or being promiscuous. The things you are around have the potential to become your new normal.

A lot of times when I tell people I don’t watch certain shows anymore, they look at me shocked almost offended. They ask me why and I tell them plainly it’s just too much drama and I don’t have time to watch stuff like that when I can be focused on things that actually benefit me. In most cases I get blank stares and that’s okay. I know where I want to be in life and if I stay focused I will be closer to achieving my goals. 

For the past year I notice that people bring me a lot of information that I used to deem as useless. I asked God why these people keep telling me all of this stuff. I knew it wasn’t for me to gossip about, but I still couldn’t understand why people felt so comfortable with telling me their business. My God Mother told me to intercede, God is trusting me with this information not just for my own benefit but so that I could pray for the individual.  

One of the Elders at my church preached a sermon titled “Fact vs. Truth”. The fact is the current situation you are faced with; the truth is what the word of God says regarding the matter. We don’t automatically think positive thoughts every time a situation arises. I find myself having to be positive on purpose to deflect all of the negative things that I come in contact with on a daily basis.

If you’re looking to make a change like I did, here are some things you can try. 

1) Keep a log or a journal of your thoughts so that you can see your patterns. In your quiet time, seek God regarding your growth areas.
2)  Examine what you are allowing to occupy your time. Does it add value to your life or does it take away from it?
3) How much time do you spend uplifting someone or helping them to see the positive in a negative situation? 
4) Start speaking truth to the facts that you encounter.

You are called to be light in all situations. People will see the great things God is doing in your life. The seeds you sow will be the same ones you reap so choose wisely.

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