Staying Humble

Have you ever felt like you had been in a place and that your time was up? As much as you would want to stay and continue to believe that things will turn around, the reality is that your grace was no longer in that place. This can relate to friendships, jobs and relationships. What I have learned is that you should always pay attention to the warning signs. When it’s time to move, you better pay attention to the signs so you are able to shift when needed. You don’t want to miss your blessings because you are out of place. 
Although I loved my job where I had been working for over two years, it was time for me to go. I prayed and sought God for peace and relief. The hardest part was to step out on faith. Having been in a position where I was financially stable, it was difficult to walk away. I knew my grace was running out in that place so I had to move. I left that area and accepted a position for only a three cent raise. Yes, you read that right—three cents. I think about it now and laugh; however I didn’t see the avenue in which God was taking me and blessing me. At this job I had the coolest boss ever! She was so much fun to work with and we quickly became friends. She taught me so much and I received the training that I needed. I stayed in that position for about four months.
Another position was presented to me at a time when things were transitioning within my household. I was newly married and we figured the extra income and new experience would be great! So I prayed and said, “Okay God, if you open this door I will walk in it”. 
I became a Property Manager and remained in that position for eight months. It was an experience within itself. The negative people pretending to like me eventually showed me their true face. Their actions were very hurtful to me, but I overcame it through prayer and I was able to forgive them. A wise woman once told me, when people show you who they are believe them the first time. I removed those people from my life and moved on. Ideally I would have liked to have left with a new job already secured, but the environment I was in was too stressful. My boss was a dragon lady and the work environment was toxic.   
On the morning that I quit the Property Manager position, I felt such a peace about not going back. That morning I received an unexpected call for a job I hadn’t applied for. It was an entry level position but held promise. I began working at the new position not one week after I had quit. I passed on a job that was equal to what I was making with more benefits. It was a hard; but ultimately I wanted to be in a place where I could grow, share some of my grand ideas, and not be limited in my success.     

I’ve learned in all areas of my life that it is very important for me to stay humble. I have crossed paths with a lot of people from my past and it’s a great feeling when they embrace me with a hug and a smile. A lot of times when people are placed in positions of power, they let it go to their heads and forget where they came from. Everybody needs friends and great associates in their network. Having the right attitude will continue to allow you to walk before great people. It’s true when people say your reputation precedes you. Stay grounded and stay humble. 

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