Come to the Altar

What does it mean to come to the altar? It’s letting go of everything thing that is displeasing to the Father and drawing closer to Him. It’s casting off fear, low self-esteem, and doubt and instead focusing only on the things God has said to you and about you. 

God’s word is the only word that matters. He created you and He knows everything about you. To get an understanding of what He designed you for, you have to seek Him.  Learn what your assignments are, find out how to complete what God has asked you to do.   
Spend time in His word reading and focusing on the truth; allow God to speak to your heart and heal the wounds of the past. Let him give you a new strategy. Prayer and worship are a lifestyle, let them become a regular part of your day. When we focus our attention on God it drowns out all of the negative things. 
Let us draw near (proserchomai) to come to, approach with a true (alēthinos) sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled (rhantizō) to cleanse by sprinkling, hence to purify, cleanse from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.  
Hebrews 10:22

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