Establishing Better Routines for Success

I can be grumpy in the morning! I’m learning the ways of the morning people; the people being Brennan.
Each morning Brennan gets out of bed before the sunrises. He reads, exercises and gets ready for work. 
I’m making an effort to wake up and start moving, instead of hitting the snooze button. Each day it’s easier to peel myself out of the bed without using three different alarms. 
Before I get out of bed, I spend the first moments of my day talking to God. I dream almost every night, so next I journal the dream and then I read my Bible; I want to see what God says about me and the current situations in my life. 
While I get dressed, I may have a cup of tea or coffee before I eat breakfast. I have recently started listening to audio books, the Bible and podcasts in the mornings. I find I can easily listen to a few chapters of my book or podcast while getting ready for work.
Starting my morning with good news and information has been a benefit to me. I find myself using the tips throughout the day and it has increased my productivity. 
What routines have you established and how do you use the information you have to benefit someone else? Comment below.  


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