A Weekend to Remember

 Brennan and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary October 23rd. In addition to sharing gifts, we decided to take a trip down memory lane. We re-visited our wedding webpage, read our cards we got on our wedding day, and re-watched a slide show of our wedding photos. We visited a intimate cafe and had a delicious brunch the following day. Our main focus was to enjoy one another, it was a weekend to remember! 

 Our Story:
 Brennan and I were introduced through a mutual friend. One day at my job, a strong, handsome dark-skinned brother with unique glasses came into my office and asked for me.  He surprised me because I wasn’t expecting to meet him so soon.  He looked better than I previously thought and spoke intelligently.  At that moment, I didn’t know where this new encounter would lead, but I knew it would be different… ~Alysia 

     I remember first meeting Alysia at her office in January 2013.  A friend of mine sent me a picture of her and I thought she was extremely attractive. When I asked for her and introduced myself, she shone the wonderful smile that she now gives me every day.  We sat, talked, and I bravely asked her out on a date.  From our first encounter, I thought she was classy, easy to talk to, and someone I wouldn’t mind sharing my world with… ~Brennan

     Alysia and I have been through a lot together and I knew I wanted to make her my wife.  I have prayed that it is God’s will we become one.  At our family reunion earlier this year, my brother held a recorded interview where he ironically introduced Alysia as my wife lol.  After our vacation, Alysia found the ring she wanted and I began making preparations to propose. On the day I proposed, I ran some errands, retrieved Alysia’s ring and took her to lunch.  I had always wanted to go to Two Rivers Park in west Little Rock, so I recommended we go there after work to “go walking”. During the walk, I periodically checked my pocket to make sure the ring was there.  Earlier that week, Alysia and I watched a TV show talking about the origin of words and phrases.  I looked at the bridge we just crossed over together and thought about Julius Caesar “crossing the Rubicon” into Rome.  I then nervously stammered something about us crossing the bridge together to a point of no return.  I knew I wanted to return not as the same person individually, but as one with Alysia.  I asked her if she wanted to “go back with me” and she said yes. She was unaware that I was going to propose until I showed her the ring. We walked back over the bridge “together”, ready to take on life together. ~Brennan   

     Brennan and I went to lunch and made plans to go out that evening.  We have previously explored various parks and historical sites so when he mentioned going to the Two Rivers Bridge I exclaimed “Sweet”! Before we went to the bridge Brennan asked me to get my camera so I could take some pictures.  When we arrived, we walked to a park bench from some privacy and Brennan expressed how even when he goes to visit my family without me he feels at home. We walked to another spot and it provided and excellent view of the bridge that we came across. He started talking about something regarding Roman soldiers and I asked “Wait…what”? He repeated it and asked if I understood. I replied I think so and repeated what I interpreted he was saying. He confirmed my understanding. He talked a little bit more and then asked me if I was ready for our new adventure, a new beginning for us. I said yes and he took the ring out of his pocket and held it up so I could see it. I smiled so big at him, I couldn’t stop smiling. He asked me if I would marry him I replied yes. Then he slid the ring on my finger. I was happy that he picked my favorite ring. I had picked out a few that I really liked. Even though I’m extremely comfortable around Brennan I was nervous and felt a bit shy at first. We were so focused on each other that I didn’t even notice until after that people were watching. Shortly thereafter, Brennan’s mom called and he told his parents. I called my mom and sister so they could tell Dad. We took a few more pics before we went to dinner at Capers. It was a very special evening and as like to say when I’m being silly, “it was so romantical”! ~Alysia

We’re making plans for our two year anniversary; in the meanwhile we will continue to make lasting memories. XOXO  

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