Playing Chess Instead of Checkers in 2018

How do you take your business or ideas to the next level?

Here are four steps you can take that will get you started in the right direction. 

1. Learn all that you can when it comes to your field; never assume you know it all!

You should always read and research to become more familiar with a topic. Learn as much as you can, find webinars, look for online classes and  conferences that you can attend. Information is powerful and can help you reach the next level.

2. Surround yourself with people who are in your field or work in the same business.

Find someone who has been in your industry for a long time, now find someone who is just starting in the industry. Networking is good, because it allow you to gain different perspectives and you can glean from other people what to do or what not to do. If you are on social media then follow your influencers, these are in most cases your virtual mentors.

3. Stay current with trends and news related to your industry.

You can subscribe to magazines and newspapers. Be sure to add yourself to various mailing lists to get information hot off the press. You can listen to podcasts, borrow library books, find groups on Twitter,  Linkedin, Facebook and YouTube. Again, I say learn all that you can!

4. Share the information you have; pull someone up while you climb the ladder of success.
Mentor someone! Find someone you can show the ropes to

What steps will you take to upgrade your skill level and move into a new dimension with your talent in 2018?

Please share your thoughts and comments below.


One thought on “Playing Chess Instead of Checkers in 2018

  1. Great tips, Lysia! Step #2 can be difficult sometimes because it's easy to surround yourself with NEGATIVE people. The key is finding those that are POSITIVE and like-minded. Practicing step #3 helps me to have something interesting to talk about at social gatherings other than the weather or sports.

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