Understanding the Power of Faith

Faith is a profound concept that involves placing complete trust and confidence in something or someone. It goes beyond mere belief and requires action and effort. As James 2:17 reminds us, faith without corresponding actions is lifeless and ineffective. “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead”. (ESV)

Sometimes, certain things may come easily to us, while others demand a greater measure of faith in order to witness the desired results or the effects of our prayers. I like to compare faith to a muscle that grows stronger and more robust with exercise. Initially, our faith may be as small as trusting God for a job or a career change, which holds significant importance and urgency for someone in need. At times, our faith may be tested when God instructs us to leave a job or pursue a different career path, assuring us that He will provide for all our needs. We must recognize that the job is merely a means God uses to bless us financially; He is the ultimate source of our provision.

Suppose you are searching for a job. In that case, you can actively work toward your goal by utilizing your social media network to inquire about potential employment opportunities or attending local events that facilitate networking. These actions not only help you build new connections but also prepare you for the interview process if you are selected.

Attending networking events and actively engaging in the job search is an embodiment of working in faith. When we find ourselves in the right place, surrounded by the people God has destined for us, divine connections occur. Similarly, if you are believing in God for healing, taking care of your body through exercise and a healthy diet becomes an essential part of your faith journey. Your actions serve as an indicator that you have aligned yourself with God’s Word concerning your health. God desires your well-being, as expressed in 3 John 1:2: “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul” (ESV).

Being an active participant while waiting on God’s promises involves spending time in prayer, worship, and the study of His Word. It may also require making lifestyle and mindset changes. Seek guidance from God on the specific steps you need to take to align with His Word and purpose for your life.

For me, God often speaks to me while I am in the garden, providing a precious opportunity for intimate communion with Him. In the garden, I am unplugged from the outside world, with no distractions, just me, my plants, the insects, a pencil, a notebook, and God. This setting allows me to focus my attention solely on Him and reflect on the beauty of His creation. Every sound and movement in nature becomes a testament to His goodness. Even my battles with squirrels stealing my tomatoes hold valuable lessons (but that’s a story for another time).

I will always remember the first lesson God taught me about faith in the garden. I was living in an apartment, learning container gardening from my downstairs neighbor, Mrs. Sharum. One day, I planted a seed in my patio garden, expecting a bountiful harvest. Weeks passed, and nothing seemed to be happening above the soil. Frustrated, I decided to uproot the seemingly unproductive seed and replace it with something new. To my surprise, when I pulled it out prematurely, I discovered numerous sprouting roots. Convicted by this experience, God spoke to me, reminding me that even when I can’t see or sense His work, He is still working. All I could do was repent. I swiftly covered the seed back up, understanding that impatience and self-reliance can hinder God’s process for us. This lesson revealed my tendency to rush through life and take matters into my own hands instead of waiting on God’s timing and provision.

When you trust God to work a situation out, you have to put [ your full faith ] your total trust in Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths”. 

How has God used practical things to help you to better understand the power of faith?


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